Sunmi’s Body Proportion
Sunmi is one of the female idols in South Korea who has a very good body shape. He has a height of about 166 cm and weighs 43 kg and Sunmi also has very long legs and makes anyone jealous to see it. Now, lets see her body goals!

She really have a perfect body shape, right? Wanna get body like her? Dont be lazy to workout.
Sunmi’s Instagram Feeds
Sunmi’s Latest News
1. Sunmi Comeback 2019?

Sunmi teased fans by releasing a teaser photo for her comeback in March with Coming Soon to be released on March 4, 2019. Can not waiting for this? Who is so excited for this comeback?
2. Sunmi Crying on V Live?

Sunmi had worried his fans because he was seen crying while broadcasting Live on V, 3 days ago. Fans became concerned after she suddenly burst into tears and moved out of the camera’s view. She soon returned, joking, “I don’t usually cry.”
After the broadcast, Sunmi posted to Twitter, “Please don’t worry. I’m really fine. I’m sorry for worrying you, but there is nothing to worry about. Don’t cry.” MakeUs Entertainment stated, “She became emotional after communicating with fans, and we’re setting you know there isn’t a particular issue.”
That’s All Information About Former Wonder Girl’s Member Sunmi (Profile, Facts, Body, and Instagram Feeds). I hope you get more information about your idol and Korean entertainment. There are a lot of more information about it in Byeol Korea. So, don’t miss it! If you have some questions or want to add additional information please put the comment below.