Han Dong-geun Accused of Harassing Mamamoo’s Solar

According to a netizen who was attending the September 13th filming and recording of MBC‘s Duet Song Festival, many people in the audience felt disturbed when the host of the show, artist Sung Si Kyung, and weekly guest, artist Han Dong Geun, made a sudden and irrelevant sexual remark towards MAMAMOO’s Solar.

From a fan account post on Twitter, it said, “During the filming of the Duet Song Festival stage performances, they all took a short break so several of the celebrity cast members including Solar all went to the restroom and returned. As Solar was returning, Yoo Sae Yoon (one of the show’s hosts) said to her that her smile was really pretty and that it reminded him of a foreign actress. When Sung Si Kyung asked him who that actress was, Yoo Sae Yoon said he couldn’t remember the name.”

The next tweet was, “Then Han Dong Geun called out saying Solar looks like the actress from the first Transformers movie, but he couldn’t remember the name either. When someone else asked if it was Megan Fox, the rest of the cast members all disagreed and thought he was strange for thinking that. But then Sung Si Kyung asked Han Dong Geun, ‘Why are you only attracted to erotic women?’ in which Han Dong Geun then stared at Solar and said, she doesn’t… not have… a racy vibe?”
Some people have claimed that the two men said it out of light humor because the mood and vibe of the studio were also light and funny. However, fans are claiming that what Han Dong Geun said could be categorized as sexual harassment and that it can still be repulsive to hear.
Here’s the audio recording of what happened on that day:
160912 듀엣ㄱr요제 한동근 멘트 녹본
분명히 성희롱으로 들릴법한 발언이구요
똑똑히 들으시라고 자막까지 넣었습니다#한동근 #성시경 #마마무 #솔라 #용선 pic.twitter.com/XryiwSzgfm— 녹본 (@yetdanokbon) September 13, 2016
Han Dong Geun’s Drunk Driving Scandal

On September 5th, 2018, News1 reported that police had caught singer Han Dong Geun driving under the influence of alcohol. Han Dong Geun immediately confessed to drinking and driving and is in the midst of complying with police investigations. His agency, Pledis Entertainment, also released a full statement which you can read below.
The incident took place on July 30th at 11 p.m. KST in the Bangbae-dong neighborhood in Seoul.
Han Dong Geun Announces Hiatus + Pledis Official Statement

According to his drunk driving incident, Pledis Entertainment announced the artist’s official hiatus and time of reflection.
Here’s Pledis Entertainment’s statement about Han Dong Geun:
“Hello, this is Pledis Entertainment. We would like to sincerely apologize for our label’s artist Han Dong Geun’s DUI charge. Han Dong Geun is currently deeply reflecting on his mistake, and plans on halting all of his activities for the time being to focus on a time of reflection. He also plans on cooperating diligently with all necessary police investigations. We as a label also feel a heavy responsibility for allowing such an occurrence to happen, due to our failure to properly take care of our artist.
Again, we sincerely offer our apologies to fans who provide their affection and attention [for Han Dong Geun], and we promise to take further cautions regarding the severity of driving while intoxicated so that it never happens again, including providing preventive DUI classes to all of our label’s artists. Once again, we bow our heads in a sincere apology.
Thank you.”
That’s Complete Information About Singer Han Dong-geun (Profile, Facts, Scandal, Controversy, ETC). I hope you get more information about your idol and Korean entertainment. There are a lot of more information about it in Byeol Korea. So, don’t miss it! If you have some questions or want to add additional information please put the comment below.