Luna’s Weight Loss Tips

In Luna’s youtube channel, she shared some tips on how to lose some weight without having extreme diet. in the episodes before, she would give examples on what should she ate while on diet. The other episodes, she explains how to make her legs smaller by massaging and bandaging them.
check out the video below, also when she massage her legs, she recommends a lotion to make the massaging easier. Luna had been doing this to herself regularly, especially when it was close to her comeback stage.
Beside massaging her legs, Luna also suggesting a hot cream for belly fat and lemon balm drink to lose weight. In the video below, she shows how to massage her stomach while applying the cream. Viewers should be careful in applying the hot cream, because it takes time to feel the hotness from the cream. Luna also recommends to wrap the stomach with plastic wrap for doubled effect.
Luna’s Diet Workout

An extreme diet is not an option for us because it only does harm rather than beneficial. Consider following Luna’s example on healthy diet below. she shows that when she eats breakfast, eat only a small balanced portion and eat heavier food for lunch. Besides eating healthy food, working out also helps to maintain a stable metabolism also losing your weight. Usually, Luna would take a jog or running on treadmill. She also doing some exercise in the local gym and her trainer. We can follow her example in this video rather than her extreme diet videos.
That’s All You Need to Know About F(X)’s Luna’s Diet, Workout, and Her Secret of Weight Loss. I hope you get more information about your idol and Korean entertainment. There are a lot of more information about it in Byeol Korea. So, don’t miss it! If you have some questions or want to add additional information please put the comment below.